Archive for April, 2014

The 6 Tips Your Toothbrush Wants to Tell You

You already know how important I am to your oral health. That’s why you brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day. However, are you aware of how much bacteria lives on your toothbrush? Researchers have found that a single toothbrush can have as many as 10 million germs and bacteria! But, don’t let […]

The 6 Tips Your Toothbrush Wants to Tell You

You already know how important I am to your oral health. That’s why you brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day. However, are you aware of how much bacteria lives on your toothbrush? Researchers have found that a single toothbrush can have as many as 10 million germs and bacteria! But, don’t let […]

Five Surprising Cavity Killers

The Green Goblin of oral hygiene is an influx of cavities in one’s mouth. Most patients are aware that brushing and flossing is the central defender of cavities. However, few people know about these foods, drinks, or tips that may help prevent cavities and tooth decay. 1)   Cheese- Evidently, being cheesy isn’t always a bad thing. Casein, […]